Keynote - Martina Beck

Martina Beck

"The three horizons of digital design: from vision to ready-to-code-modeling of requirements"
Solution-neutral requirements are no longer enough. And it's not about just writing some user stories. In an IT project, business logic must be designed from the vision to the ready-to-code modeling of requirements. Digital design competence is needed in everyday IT projects. For a long time, the myth of the solution-neutral requirement was preached. The "what?" and the "how?" of an IT solution should be considered separately. In a world of increasing technology diversity, this is not feasible in practice. Requirements engineers also need technology knowledge to design a good digital solution. I show how the model of the three horizons of digital design addresses the different levels of design in the context of an IT project. Shaping - Exploring - Implementing are the levels at which requirements engineering takes place in the agile world. Once the different granularities of requirements engineering have been identified, the questions that arise at the beginning of the project are: where do I start? How do I get the pictures out of the stakeholders' heads? Which methods and tools will help me? Here we dive into methods from practice.

Dr. Martina Beck has been building bridges between business and IT for over 25 years. She is a passionate digital designer. Inspiring IT solutions are her goal. She loves to ask her customers the right questions and to think her way into digital matters. Her interdisciplinary studies in linguistics at the Faculty of Philosophy and Computer Science at the Faculty of Technology prepared the ground to bring different worlds together. During her PhD she worked for 5 years at the Chair of Programming Languages and Compiler Construction. For a long time, Martina Beck was division manager for Digital Design & Engineering. Today she is managing director at MaibornWolff.

Workshop Papers

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